Stop bots and help make the web more inclusive.

What is FairCAPTCHA

FairCAPTCHA is an AI-powered open-source captcha solution to stop spam and bots on websites and apps.

This solution gives website owners more control and is more respectful of users' privacy. Also, it contributes to making technology more inclusive, by transparently learning from data sourced from diverse and usually under-represented people.

Current status is OPEN BETA

This is why it matters


A unique code will be sent to this address to manage the API key.
for identified user
Do you run a trustworthy endpoint? Contact us to be featured here.
More signals result in better accuracy. Options can be changed later.

This input must be added to your form so that you can retrieve the token that we will
have generated for a given user

copy to clipboard

You must receive a div block with the faircaptcha identifier, in which the captcha will be placed. You must also add these scripts in your code finally to contact the server to have the captcha

You need to make a request from your backend to check the score of a given user. You must provide:
- Your client_key
- Tour secret_key
- The user's token

Example :

copy to clipboard

